JKHoly Career Institute is a private for-profit company. Our mission is to provide quality education, training, and job placement services that will enable our basically urban students to capably compete for employment opportunities and reach their full achievement. These services will be customized to meet the specific needs of the students as well as local business and industry.
JKHoly Career Institute will strive for excellence by setting high standards of professionalism and pursuing a program of continuous improvement, with increasing levels of employee involvement. We will meet or exceed our customer needs while operating on a sound financial basis.
We will promote the personal and professional growth of employees as well as community involvement. Finally, JKHoly Career Institute will continuously explore opportunities for diversification.
The school recognizes that education must be an on-going process in order for a person to maintain technical proficiency and experience personal growth. With this recognition, JKHoly Career Institute has an obligation to meet community needs in ways other than the offering of certificate programs.
JKHoly Career Institute has an obligation to provide a variety of programs that reflect the requirements of employers in the area it serves and to encourage enrollment of students with varied interests and abilities. Through our open admission policy we support the inherent right of each individual to an education. To this end, the school offers no program that discriminates against a person because of race, color, national origin, sex, age, marital status, religion, or handicap. With this “open door” policy the school has the obligation to provide developmental education to help a student be successful and to assure the competency required by his/her eventual employer. JKHoly Career Institute further assists students with the educational process by providing personal, financial and placement counseling.
JKHoly Career Institute personnel believe that for the educational process to be meaningful to students, the curriculum should include selected situations that necessitate critical thinking and problem solving and which will ultimately stimulate learning. Such learning requires self-motivation and self-discipline on the part of the student and is enhanced by an environment in which each is accepted as an individual with intrinsic worth and dignity.